Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Need another reason to keep your cat in the house?

How about a cruel human?  Dumping and trapping it in a trash can? 
Click here for the story.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Time to take the cat for a walk!

Interesting developments from Barre, Vermont: This town is the next in a small but important list of towns implementing cat leash laws.

And of course, the uneducated cat owners are mad about it. I mean really, isn't it time for all of them to just shut up and accept the facts?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Proof that indoor cats pose no threat to birds (Funny!)

...though it's a pet peeve of mine (sorry, bad pun) when people say "sea gull".
There is no such animal...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

From the annals of "Hell if I know"

I'm not even sure what to make of this. A website that lists all the great reasons your cat SHOULD be an outdoor cat, but that also lists all the dangers your cat will face while outside?
Ummmm, pardon my French, but


There's so much wrong (and only a few things right) with the website, I can only sit here and say, "Hand, meet forehead."
Click here.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

One person's heartbreak

This story is just one of most likely thousands of similar stories that could be told about outdoor cats.
It doesn't matter what kind of "situation" your cat has at home. They need you to be a smart and caring pet owner and they need to stay inside. Always.

It's unfortunate for the cats that sometimes their owners think they have valid reasons to let the cat roam "free".

It's even more unfortunate when owners make no sense at all and their reasons are illusions they made for themselves.